If adoption is anything, it’s everything.

In this valley between Eden and All Things New, orphanhood and adoption might be the primary aspect of what it means to be human.

That's why we see adoption—or orphan-adjacent themes—everywhere. In Hogwarts. In Gotham City. In Narnia. In the Hundred Acre Wood. In Mark Wahlberg. In poetry. In emo rock.

And I believe that these cultural artifacts are means by which God makes our valley of tears, or orphan-ness a place of springs (Psalm 84:6).

What’s in it for you?

Oh, ya know, just little things like existential ah-ha’s, a cornucopia of cultural curation, and sometimes original poetry by yours truly.

But maybe the biggest thing is you get to see how adoption is at the heart of all reality, even if you’re not adopted. Even if you’ve never been a foster parent. You’ll go from strength to strength, story to story, poem to poem, song to song. All the way to our forever home.

As one reader put it, “You writing helps me feel my heart again.”

What to expect

Once a week, likely on Wednesdays, I’ll add a post on trevorsides.com. This here newsletter will be the main vehicle by which you’ll receive all the goodies from the site straight to your inbox. Newsletters will be published monthly, near the end of each month, and sometimes (maybe once a quarter?) I’ll publish longer-read emails, as well.

Excuse the mess while I get the place up and running. Some things—like broken links from my Tiny Letter emails—might be a little wonky. But like the black swallowtail in Mary Oliver’s “Black Swallowtail,” if we take with us a little bit of faith and patience, this place will be transformed before too long.

Thanks for reading. It means the world to me.

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Adoption, poetry, pop culture


Adoption. Poetry. Pop culture.